Saturday, July 4, 2009

Remove Security Setup Records

During Dynamics GP10 upgrade, you may choose to convert your user security. This creates a unique role and task for each of your existing users during the upgrade.

The Remove Security Setup Records utility provides an easy way to delete those records, if desired, if you decide to gradually transition completely to the new security system. This will allow you to have a clean system without tasks and roles that are no longer used.

Under the Utilities section of the Administration Area Page, click on Remove Security Setup Records.

Specify your From/To range and then click Process.

Tips: Dynamics GP10 Security Task and Role allows you to copy a template from existing pre-defined security task and role. Please make a backup of database before making any changes.

1 comment:

  1. is a certificate issued by a trusted third party to verify the site's identity.Each browser has their own list.Some of them are listed below,although it is difficult to validate each and every CA,its a good practice just to check who has verified the site.In case of something fishy,you can always look up your browser list for the CA or google it,if you don't find them then probably you are using a manually enforced/installed certificate or possibilities are there that the HTTPS session is compromised.
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